Suicide Bombers Strike In Syria Killing 120

Suicide bombers have hit two government strongholds in Syria killing at least 120 people and wounding dozens more.
The Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which happened in the normally quiet pro-government cities of Tartus and Jableh.
Some 73 people were killed in Jableh and another 48 died in Tartus further south, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.
The attacks mark the latest development in a bloody six-year civil war, as the UN's Syria envoy continues to attempt to restart peace talks.
Russia has a naval base in Tartus, and an air base in Latakia province
Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman said the increase in militant attacks and bombings in Syria "once again demonstrates how fragile the situation in Syria is".
Local television reports said that at least one suicide bomber targeted a busy bus station in Tartus, followed by a car laden with explosives minutes later.
In a separate attack, four explosions hit Jableh, which is south of Latakia city.
They included three rocket attacks and a suicide bomber at a city hospital, state media said.
A Syrian cabinet minister said: "We will not be deterred"
Russia has a naval base in Tartus, and an air base in Latakia province. Insurgents are known to have a presence in rural Latakia.
Syrian cabinet minister Omran al Zoubi told Syrian television: "We will not be deterred ...  we will use everything we have to fight the terrorists."
A one-sentence report by the IS-linked Aamaq news agency, which routinely carries the group's news, claimed responsibility but gave no further details.

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