Improve Your Relationship with Prophecy Prayer Request

You Can Improve Your Relationship with a Prophecy Prayer Request, We have so many types of relationship in our lives. Its up to us to have our relationship be of God. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit is very vital for our life. We have the Prophet of God ready to give us the message that God have for our life concerning our relationship.
God have Answers to Your Prayers
Improve Your Relationship with Prophecy Prayer Request
We ask our-self what is Prophetic Prayers? Many may have so many different answers to what Prophetic Prayers means to them. But I can tell you that God Have answers to your Prophetic Prayers. It’s all about you aligning yourself to the will of God and studying yourself to be approved.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15
Its important that we establish a good relationship with God, but having one does not mean its enough to give us the promised salvation. You can establish a good relationship with God with submitting a Prophetic Prayer Request. So, the question is how is our relationship with God? How is your prayer life? Is it improving or declining? Or do you have such relationship?

How to Improve Your Relationship with God using Prophetic Prayer?

Improving your relationship with God – it’s very important because you show God that you want more of God in your life. Your prophetic prayer request is giving you a relationship with God. The relationship with God is very different from all the other relationships that you may have; when you talk to God you tell him everything that’s going on in your life, you tell him things that you won’t tell your best friend, family members, or anyone else. Having a relationship with God is the most amazing thing that anyone could have. God listens when you call on him, he answers when you pray, he knows your needs before you even tell him. He knows everything.

How to Develop a Relationship with God with Prophetic Prayer?

Everyone in the world wants to develop a relationship with God. Perhaps it is because he is the one that created the heavens and the earth. The Lord is always there for us and he loves us in every single way possible. When you pray, ask God to lead you to what he wants to lead you to in life. I have been praying for a long time that God leads me to answers regarding my career. God can sometimes make you think about life because he knows what is in store for you. When you ask God for direction, he will give it to you.

How to Find Your Purpose in Life with God?

Our purpose is simple, it is to be a reflection of God’s love in everything we do, so that we can draw others to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When the disciples asked Jesus what is the greatest commandment, Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and strength. And the second is similar to it, to love your neighbor as yourself. These two commandments fulfill the entire essence of God and his message to us. Our purpose embraces loving God by abiding with Him and becoming one with Him in spirit in truth. After that, we are to express God’s love in us to others by being a reflection of the kingdom of God.

Benefits of Improving relationship with God

The craftiness of Satan still works on Gods children today as it did then. Deceiving people into thinking and acting that there is another way to gain the benefits of being in a relationship with God without actually being in a relationship with God. The lie is easy to spot in the secular world. The gifts of God are counterfeited. Instead of Gods voice they have tarot or I-ching or the myriad of other ways to gain divine direction. Instead of God healing they have Reiki, spiritual heading’s and so forth. They have a form of Godliness without God.

“I was really wanting to grow closer to God alongside of others who could were want the same thing. I desire the true relationships I want with my Lord. Grace.

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