How cruel the deep wounds you've inflicted
Giants are falling at your worthless feet 
Daily, lifeless bodies are globally piled up
Fear has taken hold; breathe only matters
Medications seems sterile, life and peace we crave
Positive cases increase like sida weed
There's always a new rule to launch out
Rules tat separate hands from mouth
Legs are chained; chairs take man's place at socials 
Long dumped words have found roots 
Strange words we never thought existed; forced break so long. 

In case you are bodily or have ears that hear
The throne you wish to sit on is hot; it bums to ashes
You've not found the right place to rule
We rule to be slaves at your merciless mercy,
Rather, we choose to be the slaves of the One that saves
As we snap you off our finger tips like tare.

 Alamu Adedoyin

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