Court sentenced a woman to 14 years in jail for killing her children

A German woman who is 45-year-old  was sentenced to 14 years in jail on Wednesday(July 20) for manslaughter of four of her new-born children, few months after the remains of eight babies were discovered in her home.
The father of the children was released without charges as a result of insufficient evidence, the court in the southern German city of Coburg said.
“She certainly had acted egotistically and selfishly, but there was also a motive, which was to preserve the family,” the court judge Christoph Gillot said in handing down his decision.
Wednesday’s sentencing came eight months after the bodies of eight children were found wrapped in towels and plastic bags in the Bavarian town of Wallenfels.
State prosecutors said it had not been possible to determine whether the other four children had been alive at the time of their birth.
The defence lawyers said they were considering whether to appeal the sentencing.

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