Essay of ExaminationsYou probably think that there are people who are privileged to pass exams all the time and you are perpetually doomed to fail. Not a good notion at all. Why do people fail exams? How can you avoid failing the next examination? What life lessons do you need to learn from examinations?

Why people fail exams
People fail exams because of one or more of the following factors:

  • Inadequate preparation: Failure to study and prepare adequately and relevantly for examinations. This is the commonest.
  • Psychologically defeated mental disposition: Instead of applying your very best in that exam, you announce to yourself that you are a failure and there is no way you are going to pass.
  • Intimidating environments: Sometimes, the exam room can be so tense that you start shaking and sweating even before the exam starts. In some cases, unduly harsh invigilators can also contribute to this.
  • Attempting to cheat: When you attempt to cheat, your hope shifts from your mind to your cheating techniques such that even if you know a question, you are not going to answer it without an aid in one way or another. If the invigilator hovers around you, you easily lose concentration and you forget every basic concept you studied.
  • Bad preparatory habits: Doing things that are unusual to your organisational habits. Dressing too uniquely, spending sleepless nights and even discussing exam topics minutes before an exam. Your mind must be fresh, free and strong as you enter the exam venue 
  •  Failure to Follow exam rules and instructions: Every exam has rules and instructions on how you need to handle yourself and the test papers as they come. If you are instructed to answer only five questions in three hours without using a calculator, do so. Follow those rules as required - with the appropriate conduct.
Don't fail the next Exam
In order to avoid failing the coming examinations in future, you can try to avoid all the above stated factors. But in addition, you can also make sure you,
  • Study the relevant material adequately, and take time to understand the questioning techniques and language used in a particular course or subject.
  • Report early for an exam, at least 30minutes before an exam starts, and settle down.
  • Get enough rest the night before an exam and avoid unnecessary, but involving, discussions just before an exam.
  • Keep away any tendency to cheat, by making sure you even browse through the material on the morning before an exam. Write with a free mind.
  • Read all the instructions and do not skip the obvious ones; and comply with the instructions given by the invigilators. 
  • If you encounter a problem, communicate with the invigilator first, not a fellow candidate.
  • Read through the questions more than once in order to understand them, clearly.
  • Select the questions you can attempt and start with the easiest. The most difficult should come last.
  • After you have written, read through what you have done; make sure your details are entered correctly; and ensure your answer script is submitted according to the rules before you leave.


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